Backlinks Referring Domains
The Backlink Explorer is a tool to search for a list of
backlinks or referred links for the target URL, which could be a domain, subdomains, or an exact page URL.
The Backlinks Site Explorer Referring Domains provides:
- Domain URL
- Total Link count
- Do Follow count
- Domain Score(0-100)
- First Seen(date the link first seen)
You can use this report for research and to share it with clients in white label dashboards and PDF reports (refer to specific instructions in the sections below).
Located in Site Explorer > Backlinks Explorer
Backlinks Referring Domains Report
The Backlinks Referring Domains report provides the list of Source Domains that refers the users to the target link, the number of links, the number of Do-Follow links, Domain Score(0-100), and First Seen date with an option to display the number of Results per Page.

The backlinks referring domain report breaks down into New and Lost links as well with the table columns for Domain, Domain Score(0-100), and Found(date) for New links or Lost(date) for Lost links.