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Core Data Tracking

The Core Data Tracking is a basic subscription created to simplify SEO reporting with a specified location for each keyword.
Once the subscription is set the following steps need to be taken to get started:
  • Create a new campaign 
  • Import/add keywords with a corresponding Search Engine and location

Reports Included in the Core subscription:
  • Rank Insights
  • Keyword Date Comparison
  • SEO Monitor
  • Share of Voice

Disclaimer: The Core subscription's reports are different than those under other subscriptions. The documentation dedicated to the Core plan reports is listed at the end of this page.

Favorites feature

General Settings

Enter a Campaign Name, Website Address and select Ranking System Count

new Campaign General Settings

1. The Campaign Name displays in reports so that it should be descriptive of the web property.

2. The Website Address needs to be entered based on the type of Tracking Mode you select:
  • If you want rankings for the full site, then enter the domain name and extension only (e.g.,
  • If you want rankings only for a sub-domain, then enter the sub-domain address (e.g.,
  • If you only want to track rankings for a specific sub-directory, then enter the domain and sub-directory (e.g.,*)
  • If you only want to track rankings for a specific web page, then enter the full URL (e.g., For this type of tracking, you must select the Exact URL Ranking System Count.

3. Select a Tracking Mode
  • Default (applies to Domains or sub-domains)
    This setting instructs RangerBot to count rank positions exactly as is when checking your rankings in search engine results.  Select this if you want to monitor rank for all pages in a domain (e.g.,*) or a sub-domain (e.g., **) of the site.
  • Explicit Domain Count (applies to Domains or sub-domains)
    When checking your rankings this option instructs RangerBot to ignore duplicate domains in search engine results. (More information and examples). Select this if you want to monitor rank for all pages in a domain (e.g.,*) or a sub-domain (e.g., **) of the site.
  • Exact URL Ranking (applies to Sub-Directory or a Specific Page)
    Monitoring Exact URL rankings means that you are interested in tracking the rank of a specific landing page or website sub-directory (e.g.,*).  When you choose this option RangerBot reports the results only if the exact URL matches the search engine result.

    Exact URL Ranking can be used when you want to monitor:
    • sub-directories (e.g.,
    • specific landing pages (e.g.,
    • YouTube channel pages or individual videos (e.g., or
    • An App in the Google Play Store or Apple iTunes store (e.g.,
    Please note that you will only be able to insert a specific URL for your campaign if you have selected this option. If you select one of the other tracking mode options then any sub-directory and/or landing page entered will be stripped and only the domain name (e.g., will be used for ranking.

    select Ranking System Count

    4. Advanced Settings
    are needed if:
    • If you have more than one package in your account, you must select the package you want the new campaign added to before clicking the Save button.
    • You want to add a Profile, Industry, or Reference ID to a campaign for filtering report data and for single sign-on to the Client Dashboards.
    • You want to connect a campaign to Google Drive for report export and file attachment to links.
    • You want to delete or archive (archive available for Enterprise packages only) a campaign.
    Refer to General Settings documentation for more detailed instructions.

Keywords and Search Engine

Add Keywords and Search Engines to Campaign

Add keywords
  • Add Keywords in the list (one keyword per line)
  • Add Tag(s) (Optional)
  • Select Country
  • Select Search Engine
  • Enter a Location (Optional. Specify only if the keyword should be tracked based on a specific location)
  • Click the Add Keywords button 

The list of keywords will be added to the table below and will be crawled the day the keywords were entered and the Search Volume will display once the data is available. The Frequency is 7 days from the last scan date. More tags could be added to the keyword table. 

Location format: City, State OR Postal Code
For example, if you have selected:
  •, then enter Miami, FL or 90210, USA
  •, then enter London or WC1N
  •, then enter Amsterdam or 1012NX

Bulk Import/Export

Bulk Export
Bulk Export button at the end of the Keyword List screen will export all available keywords in the list.

Bulk Import
Another way to add keywords is using a Bulk option at the bottom of the screen:

Add keywords in bulk

Download a sample file with available fields:
  • keyword
  • tags (Optional)
  • se_id (Search Engine list)
  • location (Optional) The location format is listed above
  • keyword_identifier (Optional. Is used to add your own unique keyword identifier (limited to 50 alpha-numeric characters))

  • Populating Keywords into Excel
Populate the table with the requested data and upload the file.
Deleting Keywords
Keywords can be deleted individually by clicking X for the keyword listed in the table:

Delete Keywords

In order to delete the keywords in bulk:
  • Select all required keywords from the table by clicking on the checkbox located on the first column in the table
  • Scroll down to the Bulk Options for Selected Keywords and click Delete
Delete Keywords bulk

Rank Insights

Rank Insights is located in the vertical left navigation menu under Reports & Tools > Organic Search > Rank Tracking. 
By default, the report displays Keywords, SE (Search Engine), Rank, Landing Page, SERP Features, and Search Volume. In the Report Options, more columns can be toggled ON/OFF as well. Below find a full table when all the columns are toggled ON:

Performance Graph

Clicking the graph icon launches a rank trend graph with the details of the multiple landing pages. You can also click the Rank / Visibility option for a 90-day trend graph, or launch the SEO Monitor report by clicking the corresponding button.

multiple pages rank trend


Clicking the Rank/Visibility that details the ranked landing pages for the past 90 days. Hovering over any point on the graph provides the ranked page(s) for the date and the visibility score. In addition, the algorithm update will show if any took place during the display date range.

multiple pages ranked

Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions option can be turned ON/OFF in order to Add/Remove tags or Deleted keywords.
To activate Bulk Actions click on the yellow wheel icon and click on Bulk Actions.
To deactivate also click on the yellow wheel icon and click Turn Off Bulk Actions.

multiple pages ranked

Once the Bulk Actions are activated the check box will appear next to each keyword in the table and the three action buttons at the bottom of the table:
  • Delete (make sure that correct keywords are selected and then click Delete in the popup box)
  • multiple pages ranked
  • Remove Tag (select the tag to be deleted from the list and click Remove)
  • multiple pages ranked
  • Add Tag (Enter a tag to be added and select Group if any required and click Add)
  • multiple pages ranked

multiple pages ranked

The Bulk Actions can be applied after the table is filtered.

  1. Click on the filter icon
  2. Specify required filter
  3. Select All or some keywords from the filtered list
  4. Select a Bulk Actions
multiple pages ranked

Report Options



  • Select a report date (this report is limited to 1 date and 1 search engine at a time)
general settings


  • Custom Report Title (optional): enter a title to display at the top of the report on the screen and in white-label PDF reports and dashboards.

  • Search Engine: displays the search engine icon per keyword row in addition to the search engine name at the top of the table.
  • Location: displays the location (if any) specified for each keyword
  • Keyword Tags: displays a column containing tags per keyword. To display only specific tags, use the filter in the Keyword Tags section of report options.
  • Landing Page: displays a column containing the highest ranked landing page URL for the keyword. This option includes a jump icon that can be clicked to launch the page in a new tab.
  • Algorithm Updates: displays a red shaded bar in the keyword performance graphs on the date(s) of a Google algorithm update.


  • Above the Fold: displays a column containing an indicator of whether or not the keyword's ranked search result displayed above the fold on page one of the SERP (i.e., did not require the user to scroll to view the result). When enabled, you may select the screen resolution you want the ATF calculation based on. Learn more about ATF in this FAQ.
  • Above the Fold Results: displays a column containing the number of organic results that are displayed above the fold.
  • Absolute Visibility: Absolute visibility is determined by factoring the ranking position of a result relative to the SERP features found on the page along with the placement of those features. (Scale: 0 – 10)
  • SERP Features: displays a column containing SERP Feature icons when a SERP Feature exists in the search results for the keyword.  The icons displayed in bold for the tracked site and in a lighter format for other sites.
  • SERP Snapshot: displays the SERP Snapshot column that contains a screen icon that can be clicked to reveal a snapshot of page one SERP.
  • Featured Snippet Rank: displays a column containing the rank position of the Featured Snippet in the search result.
  • Title Length: displays a column containing the number of characters of the page title as presented in the search result.
  • Description Length: displays a column containing the number of characters in the meta description as presented in the search result.


  • Avg. Monthly Volume: displays the Vol. column containing the keyword's average search volume.
  • Keyword Difficulty: displays a column with KD - a predictive score from 0 to 100 reflecting how difficult it would be to rank for the keyword vs. competitors.
  • Avg. CPC: displays a column containing the average cost per click for the keyword.
  • PPC Competition displays a column containing a Low, Medium, or High score representing the domain's ranking based on the number of advertisers bidding on the keyword.



  • Notes (Single Date): display in the rank performance graph notes that were created for a single date.
  • Notes (Date Range): display in the rank performance graph notes that were created for a date range.
    Learn how to add how to create Notes...
sort options

Sort Options

  • Sort Field: select a field to sort the table by
  • Sort Direction: select Ascending or Descending
  • Results Per Page: select up to 10K results per page. Note: the table sort is for the results on the page for each page. For example, 100 results display on page 1 of the paginated table (beginning with letters a-g), then the ascending will be sorted as a-g, and descending will be sorted g-a.
report filters


Filters offer a variety of report customization options
  • Rank
    • Display All Results or choose from Top 10, 20, 30 ... 100
    • Minimum Rank: enter the lowest rank you want to be included in the report (this is helpful if you want only rank 11 to 20)
    • Maximum Rank: enter the highest rank you want to be included in the report
  • Landing Page: enter a full landing page URL (including http:// or https://) to filter the report for only 1 page
  • Search Volume: select the greater than, less than, or equal to symbol and enter the search volume value you want to be applied to the filter. Leave blank for no filter.
  • SERP Features:
    • Display All
    • Require all selected (AND): select if you want only results that include all of the selected SERP features, or if you are using the Domain is Featured option.
    • Contains at least one (OR): select if you want to view all results that include any of the selected SERP features
    • Domain is Featured: enable if you want the report to only provide data if the selected SERP feature is positive for the tracked domain. This option can only be used with the Require all selected (AND) filter.
  • Title
    • Minimum Length: enter the minimum number of characters in the title to filter the report by
    • Maximum Length: enter the maximum number of characters in the title to filter the report by
  • Description
    • Minimum Length: enter the minimum number of characters in the meta description to filter the report by
    • Maximum Length: enter the maximum number of characters in the meta description to filter the report by
keyword tags

Keyword Tags

  • Select the Tag(s) to filter the report results by
  • Select a Tag Filter:
    • Contains at least one (OR): this option will include any of the selected keyword tags
    • Require all selected (AND): this option requires all of the selected keyword tags in order for the keyword data to display in the report
apply changes Click the Apply Changes button

Keyword Date Comparison

The Keyword Date Comparison report provides rank performance for the selected start and end date, along with Featured Snipped change, overall rank change for the date range, average monthly search volume, and PPC competition.  This report can be filtered by Tags (learn more).
Keyword Date Comparison Report

Compare Rank on 2 Dates

In this view, specific keyword tags were selected in report options for display, along with average search volume and PPC competition.

Keyword Date Comparison grouped by domain

Featured Snipped Change (Gain/Loss)

Featured Snippet Change compares the existence of the snippet between the start date and the end date of the selected report date range. There are four cases of the Featured Snippet change (Exist, Gain, Loss, and none(-)), which are indicated as follows:
Exists: When the keyword ranked in the Featured Snippet on both start and end date, which indicates that there is no change detected.

Keyword Date Comparison grouped by domain
Gained: When the keyword didn't rank in the Featured Snippet on the start date and gained a rank on the end date of the report.

Keyword Date Comparison grouped by domain
Lost: When the keyword ranked in the Featured Snippet on the start date and lost its rank on the end date of the report.

Keyword Date Comparison grouped by domain
(-): When the keyword doesn't rank in the Featured Snippet on both start and end date, which indicates that there is no Featured Snippet detected.

Keyword Date Comparison grouped by domain

Report Options

Select Date


  • Click the calendar icon to select the report Date Range
Select Rank Tracker Dashboard General Settings


  • Custom Report Title: (optional) enter a Title to display centered at the top of your report. This title will also display on your White Label PDF Reports; both in the bookmarked links and at the top of the report.

Display General Columns:

  • Search Engine: Show/Hide the Search Engine column
  • Location: Show/Hide the location if any specified for each keyword 
  • Keyword Tags: displays a column containing tags per keyword. To display only specific tags, use the Keyword Tag filter
  • Featured Snippet Change: Show/Hide the column for the Gained/Lost of the Featured snippet between the first date to the end date of the selected date range of the report
Show or hide report columns

Display Keyword Metrics Columns:

  • Avg. Monthly Volume: based on Keyword Planner when the keyword was added to the campaign (learn more)
  • PPC Competition: displays a column representing the keyword's competition score based on the number of advertisers bidding on each keyword. Hover over the High/Medium/Low result to view the actual percentage.
Show or hide report columns


  • Sort Field: select the field you want the report to be sorted by
  • Sort Direction: select the sort direction, ascending or descending
Show, hide and select Keyword Tags

Keyword Tags:

  • Select Tag(s) to filter the report results by using the All or None link for quick selection, or individually check the boxes beside the keyword tags to be included in the report.

Important: Refer to Tag Manager for more information about creating Keyword Tag Groups and Tag Options.

apply changes Click the Apply Changes button

SEO Monitor

Use the SEO Monitor to conduct an in-depth analysis of the top 20 SERP competitors for each campaign keyword and search engine. The SERP Change report provides a daily SERP snapshot with title and description, landing page(s), SERP indicators, and rank positions for the selected keyword for up to 20 competitors.

Clicking on a Change Type highlights the change in the SERP display since the previous ranked date, for example, a competitor may change their landing page title and/or description, or Google may have ranked a different landing page and/or included a different SERP feature or removed one that previously displayed. 

Competitor Analysis with SEO Monitor 

Rank Trends Graph
Based on the selected report options, this graph displays the rank trend for 1 keyword on 1 search engine for the last 30 days, for the top 5, top 10, top 15, or top 20 competitors.
Top 10 Competitors detailed in hover over the list and interactive legend
In this example, we have set the graph to display the top 10 competitors for 1 keyword on Google USA, selected the Earth Tones color palette, and enabled the Combined Metric Hover setting to display all competitors and their rank positions for the date we hovered over.
SEO Monitor displaying top 10 competitors with legend

In the above graph, you may notice that on several dates there isn't a line representing the number 3 or 4 position, this is because one of the sites that are in the number 1 or number 2 rank position was also ranking for position 3 or 4.

Below the graph, the Legend button has been clicked to enable the display of a legend detailing the URLs and the graph color that represents each.  You can toggle the display of rank trend for a specific domain on or off by clicking the domain URL.

Monitor and Analyze Changes in SERP Results per Competitor
An actual SERP snapshot for each competitor's ranking of the selected keyword is provided and includes:
  • SERP title
  • Landing page URL
  • Meta Description text as displayed in the search results
  • The Rank position of the search result

Competitor SERP Changes

To the right of the SERP Snapshot is:
  • Rank Date(s)
  • Additional positions that the keyword ranked for on that date (if applicable). Clicking on a position number reveals the SERP snapshot for that rank.
  • Change Type: the type of change that occurred in the SERP between the rank date and the previous rank date. Clicking on a change type highlights the change.
A Period Visibility score is provided for the 30-day period comparing the strength of the site vs. the competitors in terms of top 20 rank occurrences.

Analyze Day to Day SERP Changes
Click on a Change Type (e.g. Description, SERP Indicator, etc.) to highlight the change between the rank date and previous date.  

competitor SERP changes

Report Options

Select a campaign keyword(Search Engine) to base the competitor report on and click the Search icon

select a keyword for competitor analysis

Display settings custom report title

Display Settings

  • Custom Report Title (optional): displays at the top of the report
Display settings custom report title


  • Select a keyword(Search Engine) to analyze

select number of results

Chart Settings

  • Select to display the top 5, 10, 15, or 20 competitors in the chart that displays at the top of the report
select metric hover setting

Metric Hover

  • Select Single Metric to view 1 website at a time while hovering over the chart
  • Select Combined to view all websites when hovering over a single date
  • Select the Color Palette that you want to be applied to the Competitor Rank Trends chart

Click the Apply Changes button

Share of Voice

Share of Voice (SOV) is a measure of the exposure the brand gets compared to the competitors. The exposure measured in our SOV report is using Search Visibility Metrics. The Visibility percentage is distributed between the primary domain and the tracked competitor domains, which totals to be 100%.

The report also includes, Visibility Graph, a Competitors chart, a Top 20 Leaders table, and Gains & Losses chart tracked for the primary domain for the last date from the specified date range, lists 10 Top Organic competitors and their SOV metric, and a graph for the number of Keywords ranking at the top 10 positions for the Top 10 Organic competitors.

Visibility Share

Visibility Share is an exposure divided between competitors and the primary domain calculated for the entire selected date range as the visibility parentage metric totaling 100%. In this section, the competitors are the top 10 organic competitors whose data is collected by a RankBot crawl.  

Share of Voice Visibility

Visibility Graph

The Visibility Graph displays the Visibility Score for the primary domain and its competitors for the given date range. The graph changes depending on the selected Top 10, 20, or 30 competitors. Hover over to see the data for the list of domains with their corresponding Visibility Score for each tracked date from the set date range. The primary domain has a more prominent line.

Share of Voice Visibility Graph

Visibility Chart

The Competition Chart shows a total of the Top 10 Competitors' data in the chart for the set date range. Hover over each section of the chart with their corresponding colors to see the total data. 

Share of Voice Visibility Graph

Top 10, 20 or 30 Leaders Table

The Top 10, 20, or 30 leading competitors' table displays visibility scores for the latest crawled day, 7, 30, 60, 90, or 180 days.

Share of Voice Competition

Gains and Losses Chart

The Gains & Losses chart displays the gains or losses of the change in the visibility score from the previous data to the latest crawled data calculated for the top 10, 20, or 30 organic competitors including a primary domain. For example, if the data is tracked weekly, then the change is from 7 days ago to today and then the change is transformed into the percentage. If the data is crawled daily, then the change is based on the current crawled data (today's date) against the previous (yesterday's data). Note: The visibility Gain and Loss are not calculated based on the change from the Top Leaders table. 

Share of Voice Tags Chart and Landing Pages