Profiles can be used to link a rank tracking campaign to a tracked
backlink, or group of links, for presentation in PDF reports, Marketing Dashboards, or Client Dashboards. After
creating a profile:
1. Set the Rank Tracking Campaign Profile
In the
Campaign General Settings screen
- Click the Advanced Settings button
- Select the Profile from the list
- Click the Save button.
2. Set the Link Profile
Reports & Tools > Organic Search > Link Manager > Links open the
Link Details screen for the link by clicking on the pencil under the Actions column (or do this while creating the link by clicking
+Add Link):

- Select the Profile from the list
- Click the Save button.
Bulk Update Link Profiles
Updating link profiles can be accomplished quickly by filtering the links in
Reports & Tools > Organic Search > Link Manager > Links, and then:
- Select the links that need a profile update
- Click the Bulk Actions button
- Select the Profile
- Click the Assign Profile button
Define the Link Settings for a Rank Tracking Campaign
After adding profiles to links you can create default report settings for each campaign (this only needs to be done once). When you open the
Link Dashboard report report:
- Select the rank tracking Campaign Name in the top right toolbar
- Expand Report Options and select the Profile for that campaign (and any other display settings you want)
- Click Apply Changes

- Expand Report Options and create Default Report Settings for that campaign by hovering over the Save icon and selecting Campaign.

- You can then save the same settings as Client Dashboard default for that campaign.
After setting the default for each campaign, when you toggle between campaigns in the top right toolbar, only the links that you've connected to each campaign via a profile will display in the report. You can then add that report with those settings to a
PDF Report or
Marketing Dashboard by hovering over the gear icon in the report tool bar and selecting the option you want.