Domain Expiration Date Monitor Alert
Receive the email notification of the upcoming domain expiration date. Once the Alerts are set up the email will be sent within 18 days of expiration.
Settings are located in the Campaigns > Email Notifications section of Rank Ranger.
Disclaimer: The Domain Expiration Date Monitor is a complementary tool for which a 3rd party tool is used to collect the expiration date for a domain(s) and Rank Ranger does not take any responsibility for a discrepancy. It is solely the client's responsibility to check the correctness of the information with their domain provider and for the domain renewal. Rank Ranger highly recommends monitoring domain renewal with their domain provider regardless of the Domain Expiration Date Monitor tool.
Rank Ranger has a right to remove the Domain Expiration Date Monitor at any time without prior notice.
Domain Expiration Date Alert
Domain Expiration Date Monitor Alert by Email
This email notification includes the domain name and the renewal date. If the Alert is set, the email notification will be sent within 18 days of expiration. Once the domain is expired an email notification will be sent informing that the domain had expired.

Create a Domain Expiration Date Alert
Domain Expiration Email Notifications
From the navigation menu under Campaigns open
Tools >
Email Notifications and scroll down to the
Domain Expiration Date.
Click the
Add Alert button.
You can also click the Edit (wheel) icon to make changes to an existing alert, or click the X icon to delete an alert.

Create New Domain Expiration Alert

- Enter an Alert Name (for your reference and displays in the email you receive)
- Enter the Email address the alert should be sent to
- Select a Campaign
- Select a What to Track? either primary domain or both primary and the competitors' domains