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Insight Graph

The Insight Graph gives you the freedom to create graphs with blended metrics, date ranges, chart types, etc. choosing from our rank data and a variety of third-party integrations.

Compare results to the previous period, same time last year or select your own custom date range, and view with your choice of Main or Secondary Axis options.

Color Palette and Display Settings let you create a custom graph design.

When you're finished creating a graph, save a personalized version and then create additional versions using different metrics, variables, and styles of that graph for the same campaign using our Preset feature.   Export your creation to a variety of image types or PDF, or add it directly to an existing Marketing Dashboard or scheduled White Label PDF Report.

Example of Insight Graph in Marketing Dashboard
Clicking on a metric in the legend switches from display to hide in the graph             

example of Insight Graph in marketing dashboard

Insight Graph

Create New Graph


The first time you navigate to Reports > Graphs > Insight Graph for a campaign, you'll see a blank canvas waiting for you to create and customize your first graph.

Three categories of metrics are available in the Insight Graph, click one to begin creating your graph:
  • Campaign Metric: this allows data only from the campaign it is being created in
  • Cross Campaign Metric (Enterprise only feature): this allows data from any account campaign
  • Custom View Metric: this allows data from multiple campaigns to be aggregated (learn more...)             
 New Insight Graph

Once you've created a graph for a campaign you can save it as a Preset for future use, and also for use in other campaigns by selecting the Account-Wide option. When you've saved multiple Presets, you can easily switch between them without the need for changing graph settings (refer to Report Presets instructions).

After creating a graph in a campaign, if you'd like to create another for the same campaign, click the Remove All Metrics button.

Create a New Insight Graph

Save Current Graph or Continue

If you haven't already saved the graph that you currently have on the screen and would like to, click the Save button and follow the Save a Graph Preset instructions. 

If the graph was already saved, or if you don't want to save changes you've made, then click the Continue button.

Create Graph Warning Data Not Saved

Report Options

Select a custom Date Range

Custom Date Range
Select a custom Date Range



  • Report Dates from the Report Options calendar tool; or
  • a Custom Date Range in the top right toolbar
Insight Graph Display Settings

Display Settings:

  • Enter a Custom Report Title to display at the top of your graph (optional)
  • Show or Hide Data Source Icon(s): if set to display, select the data source
  • Show or Hide the Algorithm Updates recorded by our Rank Risk Index
  • Show or Hide Single Date or Date Range Notes or add a Note
Add Metrics

Graph Data:

  • Click the Add Metric button to create a new metric. Refer to Add Metric, Metric Settings, Display Settings, and Date Settings sections below for a description of the many available options.
  • Click the gear icon of any existing metric to change its settings
  • Drag and drop metrics to reorder their display in the graph

More Metrics can also be added to the graph by clicking the Add Metric button after you have clicked the Report Options Apply Changes button, refer to the Add Metric section below for more information.

Select Insight Graph Settings

Graph Settings:

  • Show or Hide the Legend
  • Show or Hide Stacked Columns: graph metrics must be Column chart type and created before selecting this option
  • Enter the Graph Width (in pixels or percent) or keep our default setting
  • Enter the Graph Height (in pixels) or keep our default setting
  • Select Combined or Single Metric Hover; Combined displays data of all graph metrics for the point on the graph that you hover over, and Single displays only hover point data for the single metric.
    Combined                                            Single
    Metric Hover Combined            Metric Hover Single
  • Slide to select Axis Title Font Size
  • Select Bold or Normal Axis Title Font Weight
Save Graph Default Settings


  • Click the Apply Changes button

Refer to Report Default Settings for more information about default setting features and uses.


Metric Display Settings


Display Setting Options

Select color, chart type, line thickness, Show or Hide markers and labels and customize type and size.

Insight Graph Display Settings

Color Selector

Click the color box to the left of the Display Settings title to launch the Color Selector. Choose a color for the display of the selected metric on the graph. Options include:
  • select a standard color from the palette
  • slide the color bar and drag the dot until the color you want is displayed
  • enter a Hex color value
Then click the Select button

Inisght Graph Color Palette Selection

Chart Type

Depending upon the selected metric, you may choose from Line, Curved Line, Column, or Area chart types.

Select a chart type

Line Style

Depending upon the selected chart type (line or curved line), you may choose from Solid, Dotted, or Dashed line style.

Select a chart type

Marker Type

Select from Circle, Diamond, Square, Triangle, or Triangle pointing down for data point marker type.
Select Marker Type

Scale Type

Select from Linear or Logarithmic to change the scale of the metric displayed.
Linear is for the data that doesn't differ much from each other. However, it is recommended to use Logarithmic for the data that has a very big difference between the two or more metric data. For example, one metric data values are in thousands while the second is less than 10.
If the metric type for two or more data is the same, then use the same Scale Type. If in this case there is a big difference in metric data set both Scale Types to Logarithmic. For the two or more different metric types use the logarithmic scale only for the metric type that has a high metric data value.
Select Marker Type

Date Settings for Custom Time Period Comparison


Comparative Date Setting Options

No changes are needed in this section if you want to use the Default Report Date Range and one axis. 

Select Date Settings for Comparative Time Periods

If you want the metric to compare to another graph metric using a different time period, select from:
  • Compare to the Previous Period
  • Compare to Same Time Last Year
  • Custom Date Range
If you want that comparative data to display on its own date axis, then select Secondary Axis

Click the Save button

Example of Comparison to Previous Period using Secondary Axis

Compare Secondary Axis

Comparison to previous period using secondary axis

Average Rank Insight Graph

Trending competitor average rank is one of the many ways you can use the average rank metric in Insight Graphs.

Average Rank Options
Average Rank is the average rank of all campaign keywords combined for the selected time period. When you select the Average Rank Metric Type, you have a variety of options and filters to utilize for customizing your Insight Graph.

Average Rank Metic Settings

Metric Name

Enter the name that you want displayed as the legend label
Add Metric Name


Select from the list of domains being tracked for the campaign

Select the campaign domain

Search Engine

Select a Search Engine
Select a Search Engine

Keyword Tags

Select the keyword tags you want to filter rank data by for display in the graph

filter results by keyword tag 

Display rank data by Day, Week or Month

Filter Ranking Data by Day, Week or Month


Select all Rank results or filter Rank results by Top 10, Top 20, etc.
Filter rank results by

Average Rank Rules

If you want Average Rank calculated differently than actual rank, then enter a Rank Threshold number.

Rank Value enter the value you want Rank Ranger to use for keyword rank that is higher than the Rank Threshold you've chosen. Keyword rank value will then be calculated based on the number you set in the Rank Value field.

Enter 0 if you want the keyword ignored completely when calculating average rank.

Leave the Threshold at 500 and Rank Value at 0 to have the actual rank value used in calculating Average Rank, this is our default method.

In the screenshot, Rank Value is set at less than or equal to rank position 50, with a Rank Value of 0. This combination would cause keywords ranking in position 51 to 500 to not be counted at all in the Average Rank calculation.

Filter by Search Volume by entering a greater than volume value in order to display only the high volume keywords

Average Rank Rules

Blending Metrics
One of the benefits of the Insight Graph is the ability to blend metrics to tell a marketing story. In this example, Average Rank and Traffic Sessions are trended over a 6 month period.

Average Rank with Rank Position Stats
In this example, average rank has been added to a rank position stats graph

Video: How to Create an Average Rank(Desktop & Mobile) Insight Graph

Video: How to Create Competitor Rank Comparison Insight Graph

Custom SEO Keyword Rank Insight Graph

Keyword Rank Custom SEO Metric Options

Customize your Insight Graph using Results and Ranking Data filters for domain, keyword and search engine selections.

Custom SEO Rank Metric Options

Metric Name

Enter the name that you want displayed as the legend label
Add Metric Name


Select from the list of domains being tracked for the campaign

Select the campaign domain

Search Engine

Select All or one specific Search Engine
Select a Search Engine


Select all Rank results or filter Rank results by Top 10, Top 20, etc.
Filter rank results by

Ranking Data By

Display ranking data by Day, Week or Month

Filter Ranking Data by Day, Week or Month

Custom SEO Metric Formula Options
This tool allows you to set the value of keywords that rank in positions 1 through 100. For example, a keyword that ranks in position 1 and has a monthly search volume of 5000 will have a higher potential click through rate than a keyword ranked in position 1 with a monthly search volume of 100. 
  • Under the Formula & Score Settings heading, click Change Settings
  • Select your preferred formula (more information below)
  • In the Rank Score section enter the numbers you want attributed to each of top 100 search engine result positions
  • In the CTR score section make any adjustments you want for the top 10 positions
  • Click the Save button

custom seo metric formula

Formula options include any combination of these:

Rank Score
  • Actual Rank Score
  • logarithmic (Rank Score)
  • Base-10 logarithmic (Rank Score)
  • 1- (Rank Score)
  • 2* (Rank Score)
  • Plus
  • Minus
  • Multiply
  • Divide
Click Through Rate Score
  • Actual CTR Score
  • logarithmic(CTR Score)
  • Base-10 logarithmic(CTR Score)
  • 2* (CTR Score)
Using logarithmic(Rank Score), Base-10 logarithmic(Rank Score), logarithmic(CTR Score) and Base-10 logarithmic(CTR Score):

These options reduce the high values to the smaller values in the graph as follows:
  • The logarithmic(Rank Score) and (CTR Score) are the mathematical functions of log(Rank Score) and log(CTR Score), which is use do make the Actual Rank Score and CTR Score smaller in case the values are very high. In this case it's a Natural log of Rank Score and of CRT Score => ln(Rank Score) and ln(CRT Score).
  • Base-10 logarithmic(Rank Score) and (CTR Score) is a 10 to the power of that is equals to the Actual values. For example, Actual Rank Score is 10000 => Base-10 log(1000) = 4 because 1000 = 10 to the power of 4.
Scale Type 
Another way is to scale the graph by choosing Logarithmic Scale Type in the Chart Display Settings of the Metric Widget:
Custom SEO Scale Type
In this case the graph scale will be adjusted and the values will not be changed. In the below example the SERP Feature is with the max score of 2, while the Custom SEO Rank Score is in thousands(K). By applying the Scale Type to be Logarithmic the two graph combined with not a significant difference in the ratio but with the actual values.
Insight Graph Scale Type Logarithmic Graph

Visibility Insight Graph

Using the Insight Graph it is possible to create a Visibility Graph with associated performance metrics, here are a few examples:

Visibility Score, Search Console Impressions and Clicks

Visibility Insight Graph

Site Visibility Multiple Search Engine Comparison
If you're tracking rank in multiple countries for an e-commerce site, for example, the Insight Graph has an enterprise feature that allows for cross-campaign metrics to be added. In this example, we've compared the search engine visibility in the UK and US on Bing organic, and Google organic and mobile.
Visibility across multiple search engines

Visibility Metrics Options

Visibility is based on the position of ranking keywords and average search volume. The Visibility Score takes into account all tracked keywords for a website but can be adjusted to exclude certain keywords or search engines by using filters, however, the default settings will show the average of all keywords across all search engines being tracked for a website. The Visibility Score can also be presented as a percentage value.

Select Visibility Metric options

Metric Name

Enter the name that you want to be displayed as the legend label
Add Metric Name


Select from the list of domains being tracked for the campaign

Select the campaign domain

Search Engine

Select All or one specific Search Engine
Select a Search Engine

Keyword Tags

Click in the Select Filters field and select the keyword tags you want to filter rank data for in the graph

filter results by keyword tag

Visibility Value

Select Score or Percentage to display the value of the Visibility either as a number or as a percentage value.

filter results by keyword tag

Adobe Analytics Insight Graph

Adobe Analytics Metrics
To build an Insight Graph using Adobe Analytics data, select:
  • Data Source: Website Analytics > Adobe Analytics
  • Type: Analytics Metrics
  • Metric: choose Bounce Rate, Carts, CartViews, Checkout, Orders, PageViews, Units, Revenue or Visits             
Adobe Analytics metrics

Filters & Options
Select a data frequency: Day, Week, or Month
report frequency

Metric Name

Enter the name that you want displayed as the legend label
Add Metric Name

Color Palette
Click the color block that displays to the left of the metric name you entered and select the color that you want displayed in the graph 

color palette

Chart Display Settings
  • Select a Chart Type. If you want a graph similar to the example above, then select Chart Type: Column.
  • Show or hide Markers (shapes, usually used for line charts) and Labels (the metric numbers), and if shown, then select the size and type. 
  • Set the Date Range and Axis
  • Click the Save button
Learn more about Metric Display Settings and Date Settings.

Important: all available Adobe metrics are enabled. If you have connected your Adobe account and an Adobe Report Suite to a Rank Ranger campaign and you receive a "No Data for Series" error in the Insight Graph, that means that the metric that was selected has not been enabled in the Adobe account for the selected Report Suite.  If you enable the metric in Adobe, then data will be available in Rank Ranger.

AWeber Insight Graph

You can create Insight Graphs with AWeber email list statistics. In this example we've compared the number of Opens (email read), and Clicks (through to links in the email) between 2 monthly newsletters. 

Insight Graph with AWeber data

In an Insight Graph, add a Metric and select:
  • Data Source: Other Integrations
  • Type: AWeber
  • Metric: Total Opens, Unique Opens, Total Clicks, Unique Clicks, Sales or Webhits
  • List: AWeber accounts can have multiple mailing lists, select the one you want for this graph
  • Campaign: select the email campaign name
  • Follow instructions for Metric Display Settings and Date Settings (e.g., the graph above utilizes the Secondary Axis option)

AWeber Insight Graph settings

Bing Ads Insight Graph

Bing Ads performance data can be displayed in Insight Graphs and Metric Widgets and shared in white label Marketing Dashboards, Client Dashboards, and scheduled PDF Reports.

Graph Settings
In both the Insight Graph and Metric Widgets:
  • Enter a Metric Name for display in the graph
  • Data Source: PPC
  • Type: Bing Ads
  • Metric: Clicks, CPC, CTR, Impressions, or Spend 
Select the desired color and other display and date settings, and click the Save button.
Repeat for each individual metric that you want included on the graph.

Bing Ads metrics graph settings

Bing Ads Insight Graph Example
Bing Ads performance graph

Bing Webmaster Tools Insight Graph

Create Insight Graphs using Bing Webmaster Tools data 

A Bing Webmaster Tools connection to a Rank Ranger campaign provides the Insight Graph with a variety of Bing website analytics data:
  • Impressions: the number of times the page appeared in search results
  • Clicks: clicks that were directly from search results
  • CTR: the click-through-rate (percentage of impressions that resulted in clicks)

Bing Analytics in Insight Graph

Insight Graph

In this example, Bing Webmaster data is displayed in an Insight Graph. 

Insight Graph with Biing Website Analytics data

Create Custom Views Insight Graph

Three categories of metrics are available in the Insight Graph:
  • Campaign Metric: this allows data only from the campaign it is being created in
  • Cross Campaign Metric (Enterprise only feature): this allows data from any account campaign
  • Custom View Metric: this allows data from multiple campaigns to be aggregated (learn more...)             
Insight Graph metric types

Add Custom View Metric
After creating custom views with data groups in Tools > Custom Views, you can click the Custom View button in the Insight Graph and select from the list of views that have been created in your account.
  • Select a Custom View and click the Add button

add custom view to insight graph

Add a Metric, you can choose from Rank:
  • Keyword Position Stats
  • Visibility Score            
add metrics

Insight Graph Example: Rank Distribution & Visibility for Multiple Campaigns
This graph was created by adding the following Custom View metrics:
  • Visibility Score with Area chart type
  • 6 Rank Position Stats metrics for different rank positions with Column chart type           
custom view insight graph

Change to Stacked Columns View
After adding all the metrics, if you've adding Column chart type you can change the Graph Settings to display as Stacked Columns and click the Apply Changes button.

stacked columns

Insight Graph Example: Customs Views with Stacked Columns
Results after building a column graph and enabling Stacked Columns in Report Options > Graph Settings

To add this graph to a Marketing Dashboard or PDF Report, hover over the gear icon in the upper right and select the option and follow the on-screen instructions.
Custom View Stacked Columns

Edit Custom View
After saving a custom view metric, you can change the view:
1. Click the metric's gear / settings icon
2. Select a different Custom View
3. Click the Save button 

change custom view

Domain Backlinks Insight Graph

Domain Metric Options
Domain Metric

Metric Name

Enter the name that you want displayed as the legend label
Add Metric Name


Select from the list of domains being tracked for the campaign

Select the campaign domain

Domain Metric

Select from a variety of Ahrefs, Majestic, Alexa, and Domain Authority metrics

Select a domain backlink metric

Facebook Ads Insight Graph

Facebook Ads performance data can be displayed in Insight Graphs and Metric Widgets and shared in white label Marketing Dashboards, Client Dashboards, and scheduled PDF Reports.

Graph Settings
In both the Insight Graph and Metric Widgets:
  • Enter a Metric Name for display in the graph
  • Data Source: PPC or Social Analytics (the data is available in both categories)
  • Type: Facebook Ads
  • Metric: Clicks, CPC, CPM, CTR, Impressions, Likes, Link Clicks, Page Engagement, People Taking Action, Post Engagement, Reach, Spend, or Unique Clicks
  • Mode: Account or Campaign. If Campaign is selected, then also select the Campaign name in the next field
Select the desired color and other display and date settings and click the Save button.
Repeat for each individual metric that you want included on the graph.

Example of Account Mode

Facebook Ads metrics graph settings

Example of Campaign Mode

Facebook Ads campaign mode

Facebook Ads Insight Graph
Facebook Ads performance graph

Featured Snippet Rank Insight Graph

Featured Snippets become Rank Position 1
On January 23, 2020 Google changed the way Featured Snippets vs organic rank are treated in search results (learn more...). Featured Snippets are now considered to be rank position 1 and the link displayed in them is no longer repeated as a separate organic result on page 1. As such, due to the prominence of the featured snippet's visibility (and potential for click through), we have adapted our tracking to include Featured Snippets as rank position 1 when a keyword we're tracking for you displays a URL in it. 

To help you determine if Google's decision has affected a site's SERP performance, we've enabled settings in the Insight Graph that can be used to create a Rank Position #1 trends graph like this example. 

Rank Position 1 Comparison withor without SERP Features

These are the settings used to create the above graph:

All Campaign Keywords Ranking in Position #1
  • Data Source: Rank
  • Metric: Keyword Position Stats
  • Count Type: Position 1
  • Frequency: Day 

Insight Graph metric - rank position 1

All Campaign Keywords Ranking a URL in a Featured Snippet

Insight Graph keywords ranking feataured snippets

All Campaign Keywords Ranking in Position #1 without a Featured Snippet
Insight Graph keywords not ranking feataured snippets

Google Ads Insight Graph

Ads performance data directly from the Google Ads API* can be viewed in Insight GraphsSingle Metric Widgets, and Google Ads Campaigns report, and displayed in branded Marketing Dashboards, Client Dashboards, and scheduled PDF Reports.
* Refer to integration instructions

Graph Settings
In both the Insight Graph and Metric Widgets:
  • Enter a Metric Name for display in the graph
  • Data Source: PPC
  • Type: Google Ads
  • Metric Options:
    • Avg CPC: The average cost per click
    • Avg CPM: The average cost per thousand
    • Avg CPV: The average cost per view
    • Clicks: The number of times a link was clicked
    • Conversions: The number of conversions for all conversion actions that you have opted into optimization.
    • Conversion Rate: The number of conversions divided by total clicks that can be tracked to conversions.
    • Cost: The sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period.
    • CTR: The number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions).
    • Impressions: Count of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or website on the Google Network.
    • Views: The number of times your ads were viewed.
    • Learn more... about Google Ads metrics.
  • Optional filters and settings include:
    • Ads Campaign: all campaigns combined or individual campaign
    • Markup on Cost or Avg CPC: percentage of markup over the actual cost or CPC. This can be useful if your client has given you an advertising budget and you want to include an overhead cost in that charge to be displayed in their graph. For example, if you want to add 50% to the Ads spend, then enter 50 in the Markup on Cost field.
    • Frequency: default is day, additional options are for week or month. This setting determines the frequency of data points on the line or column 
  • Select the desired color and other display and date settings, and click the Save button. 

Repeat for each individual metric that you want included on the graph.

Google Ads metrics graph settings

Google Ads Insight Graph Example

Google Ads Graph

Google Ads (Source: Analytics) Insight Graph

Google Ads performance data via Google Analytics* can be displayed in Insight Graphs and metric Widgets, and displayed in  branded Marketing Dashboards, Client Dashboards, and scheduled PDF Reports.
*Refer to integration instructions

Graph Settings
In both the Insight Graph and Metric Widgets:
  • Enter a Metric Name for display in the graph
  • Data Source: PPC
  • Type: Google Ads (Source: Analytics)
  • Metric: Avg CPC, Clicks, Cost, CTR, or Impressions
  • Optional filters and settings include:
    • Segments: choice of Google's segments or custom segments that you have created in your account
    • Ads Campaign: all campaigns combined or individual campaign
    • Markup on Cost or Avg CPC: percentage of markup over the actual cost or CPC. This can be useful if your client has given you an advertising budget and you want to include an overhead cost in that charge to be displayed in their graph. For example, if you want to add 50% to the Ads spend, then enter 50 in the Markup on Cost field.
    • Device: default is All, however, you may filter the metric for desktop, mobile or tablet
    • Browser: default is All, but you may filter for a specific web browser
    • Frequency: default is day, additional options are for week or month. This setting determines the frequency of data points on the line or column 
  • Select the desired color and other display and date settings, and click the Save button. 

Repeat for each individual metric that you want included on the graph.

Google Adwords metrics graph settings

Ads Cost Markup Insight Graph Example
In this example, the Markup Cost option has been added for internal use to display the Google Ads spend vs. the overall cost of Google Advertising. 

AdWords Cost graph

Google Ads Performance Graph example
In this example, we've chosen Ad Cost, Ad Clicks and Average Cost per Click metrics to display the improvement in Ads campaign performance.  By selecting individual metrics from different Ads campaigns, a graph can be created to compare the performance between campaigns as well.

AdWords performance graph

Google Analytics Insight Graph

Google Analytics Options

Metric Name

Enter the name that you want displayed as the legend label
Add Metric Name

Analytics Metric

Select the Google Analytics metric type you want included in the Insight Graph: ECommerce, Event Tracking, General, Goals, Multi-Channel Funnels or Site Speed and then select the exact metric (detailed below). You can add multiple Analytics metrics to one graph along with other metric types for a comprehensive blend of SEO data.

Google Analytics ECommerce Metrics
Choose from Transactions, Revenue, Revenue Per User or Ecommerce Conversion Rate. This metric can be filtered by Segment, Traffic Source, Device, and Browser. Frequency can be set to Day, Week or Month and a Custom Filter option exists for people with experience using Google's Metric Filter and Dimension Filter clauses.

Select Analytics metric

Google Analytics Event Tracking
Choose from Average Value, Event Value, Events per Session with Event, Sessions with Event, Total Events or Unique Events. This metric can be filtered by Segment, Traffic Source, Device, Event Category and Browser. Frequency can be set to Day, Week or Month.

Google Analytics Events tracking

Google Analytics General Session Data
Choose from Average Time on Site, Bounce Rate, Pages/Session, Page Views, Users, New Users, New Users % or Sessions. This metric can be filtered by Segment, Traffic Source, Device, and Browser. Frequency can be set to Day, Week or Month and a Custom Filter option exists for people with experience using Google's Metric Filter and Dimension Filter clauses.

Google Analytics Session data

Google Analytics Goals
Metric: Choose from Goal Completions, Goal Conversion Rate or Goal Value. This metric can be filtered by Segment, Traffic Source, Device, Browser and for a specific Goal by selecting it from the Goal menu. Frequency can be set to Day, Week or Month and a Custom Filter option exists for people with experience using Google's Metric Filter and Dimension Filter clauses.

Google Analytics Goals

Multi-Channel Funnels
Choose from Assisted Conversions, Assisted Value, Last Interaction Conversions, Last Interaction Value or Assisted / Last Interaction Conversions.

Multi-Channel Funnels

Google Analytics Site Speed
Choose from a full list of Site Speed metrics in seconds, milliseconds and Google samples. This metric can be filtered by Segment, Traffic Source, Device, and Browser. Frequency can be set to Day, Week or Month and a Custom Filter option exists for people with experience using Google's Metric Filter and Dimension Filter clauses.

Google Analytics Site Speed

Google Analytics Internal Search
Create a graph detailing the internal website search behavior of visitors by selecting the Google Analytics type: Internal Search, and one of a variety of metrics. 

google analytics internal site search

Select from the list of Google Analytics built-in segments or custom segments you have created to isolate subsets of data.

Select an Analytics Segment

Traffic Source
Select All or a specific Traffic Source (direct, mail, organic search, paid search, referral or social) to filter graph data
Select Traffic Source

Filter results by Desktop, Mobile or Tablet traffic, or select All.

Select Analytics Device Type

Select All or filter results by Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari.

Select Analytics Browser type

Display data by Day, Week or Month

Select Ranking Data by Day or Month

Chart Display Date
For Google Analytics metrics in Insight Graphs, when the Frequency is set to Month, there is an option in Chart Display Settings for you to select a Display Date, either the 1st or 15th of the month. That setting determines the position (for comparison with other metrics) in the graph where the marker displays the metric number, however, the actual metric date is based on the report settings. If the report dates cover a 12 month period and the graph is set to monthly frequency, then the number that displays is the month's total - it displays the same number whether the marker is on the 1st or the 15th. 

The system requires a date be selected because Insight Graphs allow the mixing of multiple metric types, so if for example daily or weekly Visibility Score or Average Rank were added to a graph along with Analytics data, the Analytics data needs to match with a date of those metrics during the month.

Google Analytics Custom Filters

The Custom Filter option is intended for expert level Google Analytics users who prefer to build their own filters. For the Custom Filter syntax, please refer to Google's support documentation:

Metric Filter example:

Dimension Filter example:

Google Analytics Custom Filters

Google My Business Insight Graph

With Google My Business integration, a variety of metrics can be added to Insight Graphs for display in marketing dashboards and PDF reports. 

Google My Business Engagement
Insight Graphs are located in the Reports > Graphs section

Metric Settings

Create a new Insight Graph by navigating to Reports > Graphs, and click the Add Metric button:
Repeat to add more metrics to the same graph.

Google My Business Insight Graph settings

GMB Photos, Phone Calls & Website Clicks Graph 

In this example 4 metrics were selected with 2 displaying with the Area chart type and 2 with the Line option. 

Insight Graph displaying GMB photo view, phone calls and website clicks

GMB Search Queries, Search Views & Post Views in Google Search

In this example we charted 2 metrics using the Column chart option and 2 using the Curved Line option. 

Google Search Console Insight Graph

Google Search Console Options

Enter the Metric name that you want to be displayed as the legend label. In the Data Source field select Search Console, and in the Metric field select from the available data types: Clicks, Impressions, CTR (click-through rate), or Position. 

Refine the data you want to be displayed in the Insight Graph by selecting a Filter (e.g., Country, Device, Page or Query) and defining Option (e.g., Contains, Equals, Not Contains, Not Equals, Including Regex or Excluding Regex) and complete the filter by entering a Value, then click the Add Filter button.  Filters & Options are available for current Search Console data (not archived data).

Please note that there can be a 3 to 5-day delay between the time Google compiles and releases this data via their API.

Search Console data in Insight Graph

Archived Search Console Data

If you have selected the Enable RangerBot to store your monthly Search Console history in our Big Data Center in the Campaign Settings, then you can add that data to an Insight Graph for visual trending by selecting Type: Search Console Archive and selecting either Clicks, Impressions, CTR or Position in the Metric field.  

add archived Search Console data to Insight Graph

Search Console data is stored based on calendar months without filters. The options include:
  • Daily totals for Clicks, Impressions, CTR, and Position
  • Unfiltered Keyword totals for up to 5000 queries
  • Unfiltered Landing Page totals for up to 5000 pages

Search Console Insight Graph example

In this example, we've included both current and archived Search Console data to create a visualization of the trend of Impressions for a site. 
example of Search Console Insight Graph including current and Archived data

Google SERP Features Count (Domain) Insight Graph

If you want to visually trend and share the number and type of SERP Features for a tracked domain in dashboards and PDF reports, you can create a custom Insight Graph using the Rank > SERP Features Count metric. The SERP Features Count metrics are based on the tracked domain's URLs displaying in search results with the feature. Available metrics include:
  • AMP
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Carousel
  • Featured Snippet
  • Image Thumbnail
  • Local Result (requires setting up the Business Results in the Search Engine Advanced Search Settings, where the "Include in Organic rank count" to be selected and Business Name to be specified. Note: the results will be showing only if the domain is listed in the Local Pack)  
  • Phone
  • Rating
  • Search Box
  • Sitelinks
  • Structured Snippets
  • Top Stories
  • Video Thumbnails
SERP Features that do not contain organic links directly to the tracked site are not included in this metric (e.g., App Box, Direct Answer, Hotel Pack, Image Box, Google for Jobs Box, Knowledge Panel, PLA, Rich Cards, Related Questions, and Video Carousel).

In this example, the SERP appearance trend for AMP, Carousel, Featured Snippet, Image Thumbnail, Ratings, and Sitelinks are presented for one website. 

Insight Graph with SERP Features Count

In an Insight Graph, add a Metric and name it, then select:
  • Data Source: Rank
  • Metric: SERP Features Count
  • Domain: select a website
  • Search Engine: select a search engine
  • Keyword Tags: select tags to filter the report data (optional)
  • SERP Feature Type: select from the list of available SERP Features
  • Count Type: select to display Keywords with Feature, or Keywords without Feature
  • Frequency: select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

SERP Features Count settings

Color Palette
Click the color block that displays to the left of the metric name you entered and select the color that you want displayed in the graph 

color palette

Chart Display Settings
  • Select a Chart Type. If you want a graph similar to the example above, then select Chart Type: Line.
  • Show or hide Markers (shapes, usually used for line charts) and Labels (the metric numbers), and if shown, then select the size and type. 
  • Set the Date Range and Axis
  • Click the Save button
Learn more about Metric Display Settings and Date Settings.

Insight Graph Display Settings

Compare Competitor SERP Features in a Graph
Utilizing the Line chart type, this Insight Graph provides a colorful trend analysis of the Ratings SERP Feature for a site and its competitors. Hovering over any point on the graph reveals each site's ratings for the selected period. 
Competitor Ratings

Google SERP Features Tool Insight Graph

Google SERP Features Options

Insight Graph SERP Metrics are available in Enterprise packages.  This data makes it possible to trend and analyze Organic SERP Indicators, Knowledge Graph Features, Page One Extras and Organic Results Count as detailed below this screenshot.  

Google SERP Features in Insight Graph

  • Organic Indicators: Breadcrumbs, Events, HTTPS, Image Thumbnail, Notable Online, Reviews (Stars), SiteLinks, SiteLinks (1st Result), Search Box, Twitter feed, and Video Thumbnail
  • Knowledge Graph Features: Knowledge Panels, Featured Snippets, Carousels, and Answer Boxes and types (e.g., Currency Conversion, Dictionary, Disambiguation, Flights, General Converter, Info, Map, Nutrition, Related Questions, Sports, Stock, Translation, Weather and WhenIs)
  • Page One Extras: Ads and ad positions, Images (Box), Local Pack, News (Box), and Related Search
  • Organic Results Count: breakdown of the number of Results per Page

Some SERP metrics also have options to display data either by the average number of occurrences per page or as a percentage.

Google SERP Features Insight Graph

In this example, we compared SERP Featured Snippets in 7 European countries the day we noticed their sudden appearance in the search engine results between March 30th and April 1st.

Google SERP Features Insight Graph

Google Sheets Data in Insight Graph

Integrate Google Sheets data with marketing metrics in an Insight Graph

Google Sheets integration makes it possible for you to produce a graph with internal company data (e.g., sales, offline advertising, net profit, etc.)  that is not available via third-party integration. That data can easily be blended in a graph with our search engine rank and backlink data, search traffic, social media and email campaign performance, and more.

In this example, we've used Google Sheet data for the Total Sales and Offline Advertising expense, and added Website Sales (from Google Analytics tracking) and AdWords Spend per month (AdWords must be linked to your Google Analytics profile - refer to Link Google Analytics and AdWords).

Insight Graph displaying data from Google Sheets, Analytics and AdWords

Insight Graph with data from Google Sheets, Analytics and AdWords

The first step to graphing data from Google Sheets is to authorize a Google Drive account and connect it to a campaign.

Add Google Sheets Metric
Open an Insight Graph or Metric Widget and select:
  • Data Source: Other Integrations
  • Type: Google Sheets
In the Spreadsheet field, copy and paste the URL of the Google Sheet containing the data
Define the Metric Data

Select the Sheet name from the menu (each tab in Google Sheets has a label name, e.g., Sheet1, Sheet 2, or user assigned custom names)

Google Sheets Insight Graph settings

There are two options on how the data to be retrieved from the Google Sheet depending on the Data Range Source selection:

  • GS Specified (Google Sheet Specified - where the only the cells range specified for Dates Range and Values Range from the Google Sheet to be displayed in the Insight Graph.)
    • Dates Range - Enter the start cell and end cell that contain the dates
    • Values Range - Enter the start cell and end cell that contain the values
      Insight Graph Google Sheet Specified
  • Correlated with Report (The dates are matched to the Insight Graph Date Range selected in the report and the data dynamically changes when the report data range is changed.)
    • Dates Range - Recommended to specify the column of the dates in order to capture the future populated dates, for example A for the start and A for the end date
    • Values Range - Recommended to specify the column of the values in order to capture the future populated values, for example B for the start and B for the end values 
      Insight Graph Report Correlated Date Range
Using the following Google Sheet example, the Insight Graph settings in the previous image correspond to a Date Range from cells A2 - A13; January 2019 - December 2019, and Avg Position from cells B2 - B13.

Google Sheet Example

Important! Dates must be entered in the Google Sheet as numbers only (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY) regardless of the display format when viewing Google Sheets. In the above screenshot, Jan 2019 is displaying, but if you look in the fx cell the date is 1/1/2019.

Value Type: select Decimal or Integer

Y-Axis Name and Format Settings

By default each metric has its own separate Y Axis with a label matching the Metric Name field.
  • If you want the Y Axis name to be different than the metric name, you can enter the label in the Y Axis name field.
  • If you want a group of metrics all plotted on the same Y axis, then enter the same Y Axis name when adding each metric.
  • You can set the Y-Axis data to display in ascending or descending order.

Y-Axis Format Examples
In this example, the Avg Pos metric has a Y-Axis setting of Ascending, and the Clicks metric's Y-Axis is set to Descending to make a visual correlation between the average position and number of clicks. 

Y-Axis example 1

In this example, the settings are reversed 
Y-Axis example 2

In this example, the Avg Pos metric is displayed as a line with Y-Axis in Descending order and Clicks are set to Y-Axis Ascending order. 
Y-Axis example 3

Insight Graph with Shared Y-Axis

In this example, "Percent" was entered in the Y Axis name field of all 4 metrics to cause them all to be graphed on the same scale. 
shared Y axis

Refer to Metric Display Settings to learn more about colors, chart types, markers, labels and date options.

Troubleshooting Google Sheets data in an Insight Graph
If the Google Sheet data does not appear on the screen at all:
  • Confirm that the campaign is connected the Google Drive account that the Sheet is located in.
  • Confirm that the connected Google account has not exceeded Google's Service Quota. Every time you or anyone you've shared online reports with loads or refreshes a screen, the data is called from Google's API. Therefore, we recommend only using Google Sheets for data that is not available in Rank Ranger via the variety of integrations that we offer.
  • If you see a 0 or a flat line at the 0 position for dates that do have data in your Google Sheet, that means that the selected range of values in the metric is incorrect and you need to replace it with the correct column and row references.
  • If the Google Sheet that you originally referenced in a metric has been modified in such a way that row numbers or column letters changed, then you need to update each metric previously added in Rank Ranger to match the new data structure (e.g., if you referenced data in Value Range B1:B12 and then inserted a column to the left of column B that changes it to column C, then you need to change the Value Range to C1:C12 in your Rank Ranger metrics).
If after following the above instructions, your Insight Graph doesn't display the data correctly from your Google Sheet:
  • Share that Google Sheet with and
  • Send an email to with the campaign name and Insight Graph location, for example:
    • Campaign Insight Graph report screen
    • Marketing Dashboard, along with page name and Insight Graph custom title
    • Client Dashboard
    • PDF Report name, along with Insight Graph custom title
  • Include screenshots or video of a specific behavior you experienced, if possible

IBM Coremetrics Insight Graph

Create Insight Graphs using IBM Digital Analytics 

An IBM Coremetrics connection to a Rank Ranger campaign provides the Insight Graph with a variety of IBM Digital Analytics data:
  • Activity Metrics: Page Views, Server Calls and Sessions
  • Commerce Metrics: Items per Order, Total Items Ordered, Total Orders, Total Product Views and Total Sales
  • Visitor Metrics: Total Buyers, Total Visitors and Unique Registrants

IBM Analytics in Insight Graph

Data can be displayed by day, week or month.

Insight Graph

In this example, IBM e-commerce data is displayed in an Insight Graph. 

Insight Graph with IBM Website Analytics data

Landing Page Social Signals Insight Graph

Landing Page Social Signals
Landing Page Social Signals

Select any of the following Social Signals
  • Facebook Clicks
  • Facebook Comments
  • Facebook Likes
  • Facebook Shares
  • Facebook Total
  • Pinterest

Metric Name

Enter the name that you want to be displayed as the legend label
Add Metric Name

Filters & Options

Refine the data you want to be displayed in the Insight Graph by selecting a Domain and Landing Page filter.

The following landing page metrics have been deprecated because they are no longer available via the data provider's API
  • Majestic and Moz (December 2016)
  • Google+ (September 2017)

Add to PDF Report

Conveniently add a report or graph with its current settings to a PDF report by hovering over the gold gear icon and selecting Add to PDF Reports

add report to PDF

Select the PDF Report that you want the report or graph added to
select white label report

Drag the new report or graph into the position you want it to display in the PDF and confirm that the Date settings do not conflict with the automated scheduling settings.

PDF Report Settings - Insight Graph

Reports and graphs can be added to automated PDF reports via the report screen (as described above) or manually in the PDF Report Content screen. If the report is added via the:
  • report screen, then begin by clicking the Edit button corresponding to the report
  • PDF Report Content screen, then click the Add Report button and select the Campaign name and Report: Insight Graph.


Expand the Date Options section and in the Show Report date of the last field type in the number of periods to be displayed in the report

In the next field select one of the following options:
  • days
  • weeks
  • months
  • years
In the data ending on field select one of the following options:
  • first day
  • last day
  • or a specific day of the month
  • or a specific day of the week (when weekly reports are selected)
In the of field select one of the following options:
  • this
  • last
In the next field select one of the following options:
  • week
  • month
The selection must produce a logical date setting based on the PDF report's automated scheduling (at the bottom of the Report Details screen). For example:
  • last day of last month
  • 1st of this month
  • last day of last week
If the report is scheduled to be sent every Monday, then the following example would be invalid:
  • Saturday of this week (because weeks begin on Sunday and if reports are sent on Monday, then Saturday of this week hasn't yet occurred).
If the report is scheduled to be sent on the 1st day of every month, the following example would be invalid:
  • last day of this month (because it's only the 1st day of the month the report is being sent)


Custom Report Title (optional): Displays across the top of the report section.

Data Source (optional): Display Data Source Icon(s) by moving the slider to the right. 

Select the Data Source from the menu. (only available if the Data Source Icon(s) is toggled on).
Display the Google Algorithm Updates indicator (displays on graph as a red bar and can be moused-over for details) by moving the slider to the right.

Display Notes by moving the slider to the right.

Graph Data

Click the Add Metric or Cross Campaign Metric (available in Enterprise packages) button to add a new metric to the graph. Repeat to add multiple metrics. 

Graph Settings

Display the Graph Legend by moving the slider to the right.

Enter the Graph Width (in pixels) and Height (in pixels) or keep the default setting. 

Select Combined or Single Metric Hover; Combined displays data of all graph metrics for the point on the graph that you hover over, and Single displays only hover point data for the single metric.

Select Axis Title Size by moving the slider until the preferred font size number is displayed.

Select Bold or Normal from the menu for Axis Title  Weight

Add to Marketing Dashboard

Conveniently add a report or graph with its current settings to a marketing dashboard:

1. Hover over the gold gear icon and select Add to Marketing Dashboard
2. Select the Dashboard (campaign name)
3. Select the Dashboard Page that you want the report added to

add report to PDF

4. Click the "Go to Dashboard" link to further customize the report (e.g., drag it to a specific position on the page, change date settings, etc.)

Refer to the Report Options section for details regarding the display settings, filters and sort options available for this report.

The report date (or date range) is governed by the selected Dashboard date option: Date Selection or Fixed Periods, learn more...

  • Daily reports default to the last day of the selected period
  • Weekly and monthly reports default to 1 month of data
To change the number of weeks or months displayed in a specific report, click the gear icon for any marketing dashboard report element and expand the Date option section, enter the number and click the Save Button.
marketing dashboard report date options

Add to Client Dashboard

Customize Report for Client Dashboard

Client Dashboards display our default report options for each individual report and graph until you modify them. To customize the display of the report, expand the Report Options section, change the settings and click the Apply Changes button.

Then expand Report Options again and hover over the Save icon and select Save as Default for Client Dashboard.

report options

After saving the Client Dashboard default, any changes that you make to the report options will not affect the display in the Client Dashboard unless you overwrite it by following these instructions again.

Enable the Report or Graph to display in the Client Dashboard

Open the Campaign Settings > Client Dashboard screen and check the box corresponding to the report(s) you want displayed in the dashboard, and then click the Save button. 

access permissions to client dashboard

Refer to Client Dashboard Settings documentation for additional instructions for customizing your dashboard.

Rank Position Stats Insight Graph

If you want to share rank position statistics in a colorful way in dashboards and PDF reports, you can create a custom Insight Graph using the Rank > Rank Position Stats metric. In this example, rank position trend for one website is demonstrated. 

Insight Graph with rank position distribution

In an Insight Graph, add a Metric and name it, then select:
  • Data Source: Rank
  • Metric: Keyword Position Stats
  • Domain: select a website
  • Search Engine: select a search engine
  • Keyword Tags: select tags to filter the report data (optional)
  • Count Type: select from the list of available rank positions
  • Frequency: select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

Keyword Position Stats settings

Color Palette
Click the color block that displays to the left of the metric name you entered and select the color that you want displayed in the graph 

color palette

Chart Display Settings
  • Select a Chart Type. If you want a graph similar to the example above, then select Chart Type: Column.
  • Show or hide Markers (shapes, usually used for line charts) and Labels (the metric numbers), and if shown, then select the size and type. 
  • Set the Date Range and Axis
  • Click the Save button
Learn more about Metric Display Settings and Date Settings.
Insight Graph Display Settings

Top 10 Competitor Rankings Graph
Utilizing the Line chart type, this Insight Graph displays the number of top 10 rankings for a site and its competitors, trending over a 3 month period. Hovering over any point on the graph reveals the number of top 10 positions for the site vs. the competitor sites.
Top 10 competitor rankings

Site Audit Insight Graph

Data from Site Audits and Site Audit Comparisons can be added to Insight Graphs for viewing progress.

Add a Metric
  • In the Data Source menu select Site Audit
  • In the Metric menu select one of the available Site Audit metrics 
  • Add the Metric Name, select a color and the chart display settings you want and click the Save button
Repeat for additional metrics.

Select a metric

Site Audit Insight Graph example

Social Analytics Insight Graph

Social Metrics Options

After connecting a company's Social Analytics accounts to Rank Ranger, in addition to viewing detailed social marketing reports you can add their metrics to an Insight Graph for trending and comparison between Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube & Instagram.

Facebook Analytics Options

Facebook Metrics
  • New Likes
  • Page Checkins
  • Page Fans
  • Page Impressions
  • Page Stories
  • Page Views
  • People Engaged
  • Post Clicks
  • Post Impressions
  • Post Reach
  • Total Reach
  • Unlikes

LinkedIn Metrics
  • Total Followers Gain
  • Organic Followers Gain
  • Acquired Followers Gain
  • Reach

Twitter Metrics
  • Followers (Lifetime)
  • Following (Lifetime)
  • Favorites (Lifetime)
  • Tweets (Lifetime)
  • Lists (Lifetime)
  • Tweets
  • Retweets
  • Replies
  • Favorites Gained
  • Retweets Gained
  • Mentions
  • Mentions Reach
  • Mentions Replies
  • Mention Replies Reach
  • Mention Retweets
  • Mention Favorites

YouTube Metrics
  • Comments
  • Dislikes
  • Earnings
  • Estimated Minutes Watched
  • Favorites Added
  • Favorites Removed
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Views
  • Subscribers Gained
  • Subscribers Lost

Instagram Metrics
  • Followers
  • Following 
  • Total Posts

Metric Name

Enter the name that you want displayed as the legend label
Add Metric Name

WooCommerce Insight Graph

After integrating your WooCommerce account with Rank Ranger, you can view and share the data in an Insight Graph or Single Metric Widgets.

Available WooCommerce Metrics
Select Other Integrations and then WooCommerce and choose from the list of available metrics:
  • Discount: the amount of discount applied to orders (if applicable)
  • Items: the number of items sold per day during the report period
  • Orders: the number of orders per day during the report period
  • Sales: amount of sales per day during the report period (you may enter a currency symbol in the Value Prefix field)
  • Shipping: amount charged on orders for shipping

WooCommerce Insight Graph settings

Example of Insight Graph using WooCommerce data

WooCommerce Insight Graph

Create a YouTube Insight Graph

YouTube Analytics

After integrating your YouTube account with Rank Ranger, you can view and share the data in our YouTube Analytics Dashboard or add metrics to an Insight Graph or Single Metric Widgets.

Available Insight Graph Metrics

YouTube metrics

  • Comments
  • Dislikes
  • Earnings
  • Estimated Minutes Watched
  • Favorites Added
  • Favorites Removed
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Views
  • Subscribers Gained
  • Subscribers Lost
Traffic Source filters include:
  • Advertisement
  • External App
  • External Website
  • YouTube Annotation
  • Google Search
  • YouTube Playlists
  • YouTube Suggested Video
  • YouTube Channel Page
  • YouTube Search

YouTube Video Views Traffic Source Example

YouTube insight graph