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How can I reset the Baseline Rank?

If you create campaigns for the purpose of prospecting clients and don't want to use the rank history from the prospecting period, you may choose one of the following options:
  • Backup and delete the original campaign and create a new campaign
  • Overwrite the existing rank data
  • Only reset the Portfolio report baselines (Enterprise account feature)
Overall Ranking Performance Baselines

Backup, Delete, Create New Campaign

  1. Export the campaign keyword list (includes keyword, tags, search volume, and target URLs if they exist in the campaign)

    export keywords list

  2. Run and download a Campaign Rank Backup for your records
  3. Create a new campaign by referencing the original campaign's settings (e.g., General Settings, Search Engines, integrations, etc.), and importing the keyword list that you exported from the original campaign
  4. After confirming the backup file contents, delete the campaign

Overwrite Existing Rank Data

To create a new baseline rank for a campaign you can overwrite the existing rank history:
  1. Run the Campaign Export: Rank Snapshot utility for the date that you want to use as baseline
  2. Wait a few minutes and refresh the screen (or come back to it) and download the file
  3. Download the Historical Rank Import sample file and if the campaign is tracking more than 1 search engine, save a copy for each search engine
  4. Open the Rank Snapshot file and filter it by search engine so you are only viewing 1 search engine at a time, and copy the contents of the: 
    • "Keyword" column of the Rank Snapshot file into the "keyword" column of a Historical Example file
    • "Campaign" column of the Rank Snapshot file into the "campaign_name" column of a Historical Example file
    • "Rank" column of the Rank Snapshot file into the first date column (C) in the Historical Example file, and enter the date in the first row in MM/DD/YYYY format. Delete the MM/DD/YYYY from all the other columns.
    • Save the file
  5. Use the Historical Rank Import utility to import the file and be sure to check the option to Overwrite Existing Data

    Overwrite Existing Data

  6. Repeat for each search engine

Reset Portfolio Baselines

Enterprise customers can also reset the following baselines in the Campaign Settings > Portfolio Baseline screen:
  • Total page rankings
  • Average rank and visibility scores
  • Analytics Traffic
  • Search Console

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