Top Stories is a report of SERP Top Stories appearing in the search results for the last 30 days. This report includes the date, URLs, and the rank for the keyword scored in the
Top Stories SERP results in the Google Search. The domain filter is available to search for the keywords in the campaign for any related domains.
This report supports up to 50 keywords. If the campaign is tracking more than 50 keywords, then the campaign's first 50 keywords in alphabetical order will be used by default.

Google Top Stories results
is a news box
that is displayed in the Top Stories section of search results. This report will display data only if the result exists for the selected keywords and Search Engine. By default, the domain filter is set to the campaign's primary domain.
Note: If the campaign is tracking over 50 keywords and the first 50 keywords in alphabetical order do not score in Top Stories then the report will not display any records. Go to Report Options > Keywords and select those keywords that you would like to display in the report or select keywords by Tags in the Report Options > Keyword Tags section.
Rank Dashboard and
Rank Insights > SERP Features reports can help you check which keywords rank in the Top Stories SERP Feature. These reports have to be filtered by Top Stories to show the list of related keywords.
The Top Stories Results can be tracked for any domain if the Top Stories box appears for the tracked keywords in the SERP Feature for the last 30 days.
Use the
SERP Monitor tool to check which sites are appearing for the Top Stories box in the SERP Feature during the last 30 days. To learn how to use the SERP Monitor tool, read the following
In this example, the SERP Features Monitor tool was used to look for the Top Stories SERP Feature on the Search Engine (US desktop) for the keyword "politics". The first site that appears in the monitor for the given keyword is "".
Going back to the Top Stories Report, run the report for the domain "" on the Search Engine. The Top Stories Report will display the list of keywords including the researched keyword with the date and rank for the Top Stories SERP Feature.